Monday, February 3, 2014

Typology Questions

 1.  Which building typology are you researching? The typology I am researching is an aquarium.

2.  Why are you researching this building typology? The reason I choose to do a aquarium was because looking at the site analysis Red Hook went through a rough time and it needs something that will create jobs as well as bring the community together.

 3.  What is the specialty of this building type you would like to ? Display the exotic/tropical fish species, as well as the NYC aquatic life.

4.  What are the examples that you will be researching… list the examples, location and architect? Batumi aquarium( Pebbles ), Batumi aquarium ( Georgia) Blue planet aquarium, Lisbon aquarium, Zoo Basel aquarium. 

5.  What are your goals for working with this building type ? To give the waterfront of redhook a new modern look, and to understand and create a program that will fit the neighborhood.
6.  What are the program elements that you see included at this point in your building? (may  evolve once more research is done)? Swimming pool, auditorium, learning center, café, retail.


  1. Faraz an aquarium makes perfect sense.
    First I need to suggest a few things on your blog. The font is too small so I can barely read it. For the exhibit you should also consider NYC aquatic life, not only exotic. You are going to have to visit at least one aquarium to get a feel for it.
    Also for your precedent studies I would suggest adding links to the buildings so your audience does not have to google. Here is one source.

  2. Also I would look at Brooklyn Bridge Park and how they incorporated the waters edge and activities into the park. There are many aquariums that site on the waters edge: Coney Island, Seattle, Monterey
